How do newborn photoshoots work with siblings?

How do newborn photoshoots work with siblings?

Sibling and family images are included in each session to be able to document the memories as accurately as possible. We will start with these photographs at my newborn photography garden studio in Milton Keynes.

I try and give the older siblings a lot of praise and attention as they love this when their younger sibling has the limelight from everyone meeting the newborn for the first time. I also have cookies/animal biscuits to hand as a ‘well done’ for behaving so nicely with their baby brother or sister.

First, we do what is in my opinion the most important photograph from you newborn photo shoot, which is the family image. This includes your pet(s)! After this we move onto mum and baby, dad and baby, silhouette image and then siblings with baby. This flow ensures that the newborn is passed around as little as possible during this part of your photoshoot to help keep them feeling secure and sleepy.

I take my family images with everyone kneeling down to give the best angle for everyone and also helps with the height differences. It looks as though you are all standing.

Mum and dad then take the spotlight. Mum continues to hold baby in the exact same way and the older children move away and ‘help’ you both smile.

The the singular shots like below:

The silhouette image is created by using the studio light as the backdrop. I can also get some lovely backlit ones of baby at this point if your newborn is settled enough for me to do so.

I then take images of your newborn baby and their siblings. Posing for these images depends on the age of the newborns big brother or sister as well as their confidence holding baby. This can be done with siblings sitting and holding the new baby or with sibling(s) laying down with baby.

I can also do a portrait of each child alone and each child alone with the newborn if you have more than one older sibling. Just ask!

I have three boys of my own so my patience is mega high and you don’t need to worry about your kids not co operating smoothly. I ask that we are mindful of my equipment and premises but most of all their safety is paramount. Mild misbehaviour is expected in a new place where a stranger is asking them for smiles etc. so it’s completely fine to be more lenient than usual. I also strongly recommend having an incentive for them so that the experience is painless for all of you. Previous families have offered things such as McDonalds, park trip, sweet treats and so on.

After the family images are all done and dusted dad/grandparents take the older siblings away to the nearby park or home while we work on the newborn photographs.

& that’s it! Please feel free to message me if you have any questions about involving your children and family in your newborn photoshoot.

Emily x