The Impossible Task of Getting to your Newborn Photoshoot on Time

At Faegrian photography I, newborn photographer in Milton Keynes, have a good understanding of what you may be feeling the morning of your newborn photo session. I have three boys so I am well aware of the daunting task of getting anywhere on time with little people. This is often the first time new parents have ventured out with their new bundle of joy. Rest assured that my studio is cosy and welcoming with drinks and snacks at the ready. A hot cup of tea will most definitely be offered – my cold brew is usually found sitting in the microwave.

Here are some top tips to help your morning run smoothly:

Know where and when you’re going

I will send you a message the morning of your session with the time and address so you don’t have to go searching for it in a frantic mess.

Be prepared

Keep the nappy bag stocked! Repack it after every outing.

o  Nappies, wipes, nappy sacks, nappy cream

o  Formula, bottles and bottle warmer if bottle feeding

o  Breast pads, nipple cream, breastfeeding cover if breast feeding

o  At least 3 changes of clothes for baby and extra layers if needed

o  Snack and a drink for the parents – we often forget about ourselves!

o  Muslins, comforters, dummies

o  Milton wipes are a godsend for dropped dummies and bottle teats!

Allow way more time than necessary

Fact: Babies will poonami, outfit soaking puke, sudden desperate need for yet another feed just as you start to leave the house.

Avoid black and white patterned tops

Babies love those black and white patterns and will stare at them in amazement. This isn’t great for your newborn photo session as they could become overstimulated and fussy.

Avoid strong perfume/aftershave

I do not wear any perfume on the day I have a newborn coming into my newborn photography studio in Milton Keynes as it can cause the baby to become upset as their little noses are very sensitive. If you are breastfeeding it may help to avoid strong scents as the baby could be reluctant to latch.


Our children can often sense our mood and babies often mirror that and feel our stress. My studio is a comfy zone with warmth, light chatter, a full biscuit tin and a hot coffee ready in minutes. You can nap, zone out on your phones or just have a little chat with another parent while I take care of your new bundle.

What if we’re late?

I find most of my parents vary from on time to 10 minutes late. I am a worrier so please do let me know if you’re running late. I am very understanding of the stress you may be feeling the morning of your newborn photoshoot but rest assured I am here to take care of you. I will add that lateness does cut into your session time but I am lenient with this – it’s just up to my childcare restrictions.

That’s all of the advice I have for you for now on managing to leave the house on time. Good luck!


Emily x